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Forcing Pot Terracotta L



Regular price $64.50
Regular price $64.50 Sale price $64.50
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Minimum Quantity : 1

Forcing Pot Terracotta L, Terra cotta, Portugal

Dimension: 11.1x11.1x11.9 in

Vancouver Stock

In Stock: 0, Sold: 3, Arriving: 0, ETA: N/A

Stock in Holland: 809
A forcing pot is a horticultural tool used to grow plants, especially rhubarb, in darkness to produce an early and more tender crop. The process, known as forcing, involves covering the plant with a pot or jar to block out all light, which causes the plant to grow faster and produce stalks that are sweeter and less stringy than those grown in full sun.
UPC Code: 8714982276873
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