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Torches With Straw



Regular price $12.00
Regular price $12.00 Sale price $12.00
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Minimum Quantity : 52

Torches with straw, Straw, parafine, tinplate, beech wood, Poland

Dimension: 3.3x3.3x32.3 in

Vancouver Stock

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Stock in Holland: 4523
This straw torch is a real garden torch which creates a cosy full flame, the cardboard cylinder has been filled with a mixture of hay and candle wax so that the flame spreads across the torches entire surface.This item as a perfect source of light and heat and thanks to the wooden stick, it can be put anywhere in the garden as long as there is sufficient space around it, the burn time of the candle depends on the wind and the weather. The torch has high flames and can be dangerous if left unattended.- outdoor use only- burning time about 6 hours- packaged in display with header card- do no leave unattended
UPC Code: 8714982080180
Material : Straw, parafine, tinplate, beech wood
Weight: Weight: 0.693 KG
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